Things seem to be tough when your AC stop running before your room reach the set temperature. It causes significant discomfort, especially in the hot seasons. Have you ever wondered what makes the AC stop functioning earlier than your room reach the defined temperature that is set in the thermostat? Notice, it indicates a problem and it’s called air conditioner short cycling. Let’s have a look at the factors that cause short cycling.

Short cycling happens when something obstructs your unit from completing a full cooling cycle. It occurs in compressor when a mechanical breakdown causing it’s run-times to halt ahead of time and couldn’t reach the temperature you set at the thermostat and restarts shortly afterward. It makes the stay uncomfortable as the unit kick on and off so often, and this short cycling increases the energy bills and affect the unit’s life span.
It can be a sign of bigger issue, and anytime the compressor cease its operation, contact a HVAC technician who can uncover the root cause of it. Never try the fix by simply replacing parts or replacing components or applying Band-Aid fixes, while these may extend its life for some length of time, it actually leaves open the potential for complete system failure.
What causes short cycling?
There are many factors that cause air conditioner short cycling and here mention the common ones
Blocks in the filter: when the filter is blocked, the unit cannot pull enough fresh air which results in overheating. This makes the system to restart thus preventing it from completing a full cooling cycle.
Frozen evaporator coils: when it is cool outside and you operate your AC, it may cause the evaporator coils to freeze. This may happen due to other problems as well. Simply shut turn off the system and allow it to completely melt. If the coil freezes again, you better need to contact an HVAC professional.
The AC is too big for your space. If the unit is too big for your home, it will release far too much cool than is required and it also results in short cycling. The best way to resolve this matter is to replace the huge unit with one that better suits your home.
Leaking refrigerant. Refrigerants are agents that make air conditioning possible. It provides cool and dehumidifies indoor air. Low refrigerant level causes your AC to work overtime to cool your room. This cause system malfunction and lead to short cycling.
There are issues with AC’s electrical system. Wiring and control boards may experience issues that result in short cycling, as well. You should always call a professional if you suspect an electrical issue, and you should not run your unit in the meantime.
How to solve the issue When it comes to resolving the air conditioner issue, there are two things you may be able to attend your own. First is the air filter, turn off the unit, then remove and replace the filter with the filter recommended by the manufacturer before you turn on the unit. Then follows the evaporator coils. If the coil got frozen, turn off the system until the coils defrost. If you are unable to resolve the matter, you can seek out the help of HVAC professionals, whatever the issues are it they will be able to rectify it. You may need a smaller unit, or need more refrigerant, or need to repair or replace electrical components inside your central air conditioner the matter will be solved out by experienced HVAC professionals.
In Kuwait, you can contact the leading HVAC professionals Advanced Services to improve your home comfort and minimize the energy bills at the same time. The company has expertise in dealing with HVAC installation, HVAC maintenance, and service for many years. If it seems that you are feeling more discomfort, you can call them for an expert diagnosis and inspection.