An HVAC system is the backbone of any commercial building. The core functionality of an HVAC system is to provide optimal thermal and cool comfort to the occupants. As it works throughout wear and tear inevitably occurs and you won’t get the performance as expected. And if it continues so for long without any maintenance and service, system replacement is inevitable.

It turns out to be an expensive deal you are likely to face as a building owner in the future. You want to enhance the lifespan of the unit by proper maintenance and service. It’s important to have a plan to replace your system before it breaks down for good. Follow these tips to extend the life of your HVAC system and delay replacement for years to come.
Schedule two checkups per year.
Your air conditioner and furnace should both be inspected, cleaned and tuned up every year. It’s best to schedule your air conditioner in two seasons of the year particularly, your system will be optimized for efficiency the first day you need it, and if a serious problem is revealed, you can deal with it before it comes time to switch systems.
Tune-ups typically include a thorough inspection and lubrication of all moving parts, condenser cleaning, clearing buildup out of the condensate drain tube, checking refrigerant levels, and so.
Use the “auto” fan setting.
Most HVAC systems have two fan settings: “auto” instructs the fan to run only when the system is actively heating or cooling, and “on” instructs the fan to run constantly. Some systems have dual-speed fans, which allow for a slower, more energy-efficient fan setting between heating and cooling cycles.
There are benefits to using the “on” setting. It helps trap more dust, and in homes with people who have respiratory sensitivities or allergies, it can help make it easier to breathe. But the major disadvantage is that it forces the system to work much harder, and that shaves time off of its life. It also leads to filters that clog up faster, so if you don’t change them regularly, you could really be taxing your system.
Get a smart thermostat.
The latest in thermostat technology, smart thermostats are easy to program and control from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet. Some models can even learn your HVAC habits and schedule so they can make energy-saving adjustments without any programming at all.
When it’s easier to micromanage your thermostat settings, it’s easier to use your system less. And that will make it last longer.
Upgrade Insulation
The less often your HVAC system runs, the longer it will last. And in the struggle to keep your treated air inside your home, insulation is your best friend.
The most important place to check for sufficient insulation is in your upper floor. If you have insufficient insulation throughout your home, it may also be worthwhile to insulate your basement or add more insulation into wall cavities. The best way to locate and evaluate your insulation weak spots is to schedule a professional energy audit. In Kuwait, you can rely upon Advanced Services for turnkey HVAC solutions. The company has the proficiency in dealing with HVAC solutions from the scratch, i.e. from the designing to installation to maintenance of HVAC in Kuwait.