Preparing your HVAC for this summer

Summer is here in Kuwait and it’s only going to be even hotter in the coming days. Maintaining the HVAC system is as important as maintaining your home. As the hot season comes, it will be important to keep the HVAC system perfectly maintained and serviced. Any lack of proper care and attention may cost you much – can lead to system failures and other irregularities. You can schedule for a planned maintenance. If you notice any major or minor issues, schedule an appointment with a trusted HVAC solution provider for a repair as soon as possible.

Why you need professional maintenance for your AC this summer

Inspect Outdoor units: Periodic checking of the outdoor unit is vital, check for any damage. Be sure to clean any debris off of the unit, as dirt and plant materials can cause clogs. Turn on your air conditioner and listen for any unusual sounds.

Access Furnace Performance: Your furnace was warming your house all winter, so now is the time to make sure it finished the season undamaged. Let your system run and notice anything unusual. Pay attention to any sounds, odors, or uneven heating.

Change the Filters: Take the time to change your air filters, ensuring that your home will have pure air circulating throughout the summer. Air filters should be replaced every three months, so be sure to keep up this practice. If the filters are filled with gunk to the point of damage, it is time to order replacements. Be sure to do this before you need to run your air conditioner.

Check for Air Leaks: Close all of your windows, walk around the house, and search for leaks. If you feel that some rooms are draftier than others, you likely have a problem with your windows. Schedule an appointment to have your windows repaired or replaced if necessary. This will keep your energy bills low this summer.

Schedule an Inspection: When in doubt, hire an HVAC professional to thoroughly inspect all of your systems. This is especially important if you suspect that your systems may be damaged. An HVAC company will be able to advise whether you need heating, ventilation, and air conditioning repair.

By following this spring cleaning checklist, you can make sure that your HVAC systems are primed for the coming year. Your carefulness will keep your energy bills low and your family comfortable. Be sure to continue paying attention to any problematic HVAC symptoms all year around as well, as heating and air conditioning can fail at any time.

Advanced Services is counted as the best among HVAC providers in Kuwait. Highly professional workforce and experience add flavor to their success and the ability to carry out the job in any complex environment is simply great. What more? – The commitment to complete job in a flawless and timely manner.

Schedule an appointment

If you have any requirement for the installation or repair or HVAC maintenance – be it in the commercial or residential buildings; rely on the most trusted HVAC Company in Kuwait.